Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, and Gender-Based Misconduct
In addition to the University’s Non-Discrimination Statement and Policy, all employees of the University are governed by the Columbia University Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policies and Procedures. This Policy prohibits discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, and requires that faculty, officers of research, officers of the libraries, students, and staff report violations of the policy and retaliation. The Policy offers guidance for reporting possible violations.
Officers who serve in positions such as department chair, director of an institute or center, dean, or executive vice president, principal investigators on grants and contracts who serve in a supervisory capacity, and others who serve in managerial or supervisory roles, are responsible for taking reasonable and necessary action to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace and for responding promptly and thoroughly to such claims. Questions as to whether a particular individual serves in a management or supervisory capacity should be addressed to the appropriate administrator in the department, institute, center, or school.
Gender-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedures for Students
Columbia University is committed to fostering an environment that is free from gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault and all other forms of gender-based misconduct. The University recognizes its responsibility to increase awareness of such misconduct, prevent its occurrence, diligently investigate reports of misconduct, support students and others who experience gender-based misconduct, and deal fairly and firmly with students who violate University policy.
The University recognizes that students may be most comfortable disclosing gender-based misconduct to a University employee they know well, such as a faculty member, an officer of research, coach, or advisor. Any responsible employee who receives a report is required to refer what they learn about the incident to Student Conduct and Community Standards or the Title IX Coordinator. Reports can be made through the Sexual Respect website or by emailing [email protected].
Prohibited Romantic and Sexual Relationships
The University’s educational mission is promoted by professionalism in its faculty-student, researcher-student, and staff-student relationships. Columbia’s romantic and sexual relationship policies outline certain prohibited relationships. When a relationship involves people who differ in power within the University community, it is of special concern because of the potential for conflicts of interest, abuse of power, or harassment. Such relationships may undermine the University’s sense of community, mutual trust, and support. The following are prohibited romantic and sexual relationships:
- Faculty and staff may not engage in sexual or romantic relationships with undergraduate students.
- Graduate students who teach, advise, or supervise undergraduate students may not have sexual or romantic relationships with any undergraduate students for any period of time that they have that role.
- Faculty cannot be in a sexual or romantic relationship with a graduate student who is in any school, department, or program where the faculty member is connected, or with whom they engage in any direct or indirect way, or with any graduate student with whom they were previously connected.
- Staff may not hire, supervise, employ, evaluate, advise, or mentor any Columbia student with whom they have – or have had – a romantic or sexual relationship.
- Staff may not hire, supervise, employ, evaluate, or make decisions about salary for another staff member with whom they have or have had a relationship.
Next Section: Compensation Transparency Notice