Founded in 1944, The University Seminars brings together scholars and specialists of diverse disciplinary backgrounds to discuss subjects of common interest. There are currently more than 90 University Seminars whose members are drawn from the University, other academic institutions, and the professions. The Seminars meet monthly during the academic year. Each seminar determines its own policies, programs, and organization.
Faculty of Columbia University and its affiliates are welcome to apply to join or start a seminar. Columbia faculty may be nominated as members of a Seminar by the Seminar’s chair. Individuals who are not students and have no other affiliation with the University may be nominated as seminar associate members by the chair of an individual seminar. Each Seminar chooses its own members and associate members. Seminar associate members are appointed for a three-year term which is renewable. Regular participation is a prerequisite for maintaining membership in a Seminar. Students may not be designated as seminar members, but they can be invited to attend specific Seminar meetings.
Seminar associate members, who have a Columbia ID, have free reading and borrowing privileges at the University’s libraries, including physical and remote access, may use the Dodge Fitness Center for a monthly fee.